Sunday, October 17, 2010

Welcome to My Own Personal Hell

Ah my first post...

From April to October of this year I had an affair with a man who is 20 years my senior, married and has three children. Yes, you can think of me as a slut. I just think of myself as human. We do not date. He does not call me. He doesn't buy me flowers. We meet up, have unbelievable sex and I go home. He goes home.

Earlier this month, I told him we had to stop seeing each other because of course, I fell in love with him while he on the other hand did not reciprocate my love. I was tired of being his free whore.

Now two weeks later, I'm still in love with him and currently trying to get back together with him. This person, let's call him "Dom" is completely fine with us starting our "relationship" again. "Wow, free, kinky sex with a chick young enough to be my daughter? Why not?" I'm sure his brain or dick said.

Anyway, last night I went on a date with a perfectly nice man who does actually care about me. But during the movie we went to, all I could do was think about Dom. Critical plots of the movie were lost as I replayed in my mind all the wonderful sexual adventures we had together. All while my date moves in closer and closer to me. I think I might have missed at least 30 minutes of the film.

On the drive home, I started to cry. I wished it was Dom I was on the date with. Or at least the man that I was driving home to.